An Israeli model and actress who has been part of many international modeling campaigns and garnered international attention when she was crowned as the “Most Beautiful Face” by TC Candler in 2020.”
While her modeling career wasn’t easy she has faced some religious constraints but her family has been a supportive end to her that’s the topic of intrigue, who is her supportive hand after her family does she have a boyfriend or there is no one involved in a romantic relationship with her. Well hold your horses, she is dating Omer Adam and is a model for the brand Cattleya Eyewear, which she models with her boyfriend Omer.
Born on 31 August 2001 she is a 22-year model who isn’t just pretty by face but is also a rising and successful budding actress and a model. She has been part of international campaigns for Lancôme and has also been a lead in the popular Israeli TV Show “Palmach”
Yael is known for a different name in the professional world, recognized as Shelbia, a name that holds personal history and a legacy passed down by her Djerbian great-grandmother’s family. She started by posting regular selfies on social media at the age of just 16, her portraits captured the attention of famous photographer Marina Moskowitz who took her to a professional set up of lights and camera.
Who is Yael Shelbia boyfriend?
Yael has been dating Omer Adam since 2022 and they have been spotted together many times, the model joins her boyfriend on trips and vacations and also shares his Instagram profile.
Omer is an American-born Israeli singer and the relationship was made public when Yael posted a a post kissing the singer from her vacation.
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Who is Omer Adam, the Boyfriend?
Omer Adam is the boyfriend of the famous model and actress Yael Shelbia. Besides being just a boyfriend he is a singer.
Adam, the Israeli singer was born on 22 October 1993, to parents Yaniv Adam and Sharon in North Carolina, U.S. His music is a fusion of Eastern Mizrahi music (Oriental-Middle Eastern) and Western Pop instrumentation and has been regarded as “ “Israel’s most famous singer” by a magazine.
Full Name | Omer Adam |
Date of Birth | October 22, 1993 |
Place of Birth | North Carolina, U.S. |
Age | 30 |
Nationality | Israeli |
Profession | singer |
Relationship Status | Boyfriend of Yael Shelbia |
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He is a popular singer who started at quite a young age and has also been part of the show Kokhav Nolad Hebrew, which he left due to age issues, he further took his career in music to heights and performed in Caesarea Maritima becoming the youngest singer to be featured as the main artist.
He is quite religious and particular about his Jewish traditions and even after being so famous he along with his girlfriend Yael maintains a kosher diet. The duo lives in dubai and are the main faces of the Cattleya Eyewear.
Past relationship of Yael Shelbia
Before she started dating Omer she was in a relationship with American businessman Brandon Korff, who is the child of millionaire Sumner Redstone in 2019.
Brandon Korff is a real state developer and son of Shari Redstone, the billionaire boss of ViacomCBS media empire. He is also involved as a a producer on the Electric Daisy Carnival Experience (2011) and has been involved in various philanthropic activities
Their relationship caught some attention before because of the big age difference between them. Shelbia was just 18 when she started dating Korff, who was 32 back then.
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Who is Yael Shelbia boyfriend?
Omer Adam is the current boyfriend of Yael Shelbia.
Is Yael married to her boyfriend Omer?
No, the two are in a relationship with each other and have not married yet.
Who is Brandon Korff, is Yael still with him?
Brandon Korff is the ex-boyfriend of the model, and as of 2024 they are no longer together and have moved on.