Jaipur: The Rajasthan Cricket Association has received significant relief today from the Rajasthan High Court. The court has issued an order to lift the suspension on the RCA elections that has been in place for nearly one month and 22 days. With the High Court’s ruling, the way is now clear for the Rajasthan Cricket Association’s elections.
It’s noteworthy that the tenure of the executive of the Rajasthan Cricket Association was due to end on October 4, 2022. Before that, the RCA elections were supposed to be held on September 30. But, on the plea of four district unions, the High Court put a hold on the polls on September 29. After this, the RCA halted the entire electoral process.
It should be noted that in the petition, the eligibility of the election officer was challenged. Along with this, the voter list issued in some districts was also questioned. Following this, on November 9, RCA appointed retired IAS Sunil Arora as the new election officer. Today, after the High Court was informed about the appointment of the recent election officer, the court dismissed the petition and cleared the way for RCA elections.
The lawyer representing RCA, Pratik Kasliwal, explained that hearings on the RCA election had been going on for about one month and 22 days. Elections were supposed to be held on September 30. Still, the eligibility of the election officer was challenged by four district unions, after which the High Court put a hold on the elections on September 29.
Now that the election officer has been changed, there is no relevance for the petition. When this information was provided in court, the court deemed the petition meaningless and gave the green signal to the RCA elections. RCA will soon issue a notice for elections, and as per the RCA constitution, a legal notice must be issued 21 days before the elections. It is expected that the election process will be completed by December end.