Recently the video of the incident went viral on social media. The clip of the car falling into the waterfall comes out from Indore, Madhya Pradesh. After the incident took place suddenly, a man jumped into a plunge pond of the waterfall and successfully managed to save one of them and the other one was saved by those who were nearby. The incident location was Simrol which was approximately sixty kilometers away from Indore city.
After a car crashed into the plunge pool of a waterfall in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, a guy went in and saved one of the people inside, while the other was saved by individuals who followed suit.
#मध्यप्रदेश: इंदौर मे रौंगटे खड़े कर देने वाला हादसा
— Sanjay ᗪєsai 🇮🇳 (@sanjay_desai_26) August 7, 2023
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लोगों ने बचाई पिता और बेटी की जान, देखें वीडियो #Indore #MadhyaPradesh #Accident #Car #ViralVideos
The red automobile can be seen in the video approaching the edge of a rock surface and plunging into the plunge pool after turning over once, during which its front door opens and then closes.
“I saw a car falling into the waterfall. A man and his 13-year-old daughter, who were the two occupants of the car, were trying hard to get off even as the vehicle was sliding. However, the car fell while the duo was inside,” Sunil Mathew (26), who works in a private firm, told PTI.
“They were drowning. I jumped in and saved the man inside the car. His daughter was saved by those around her. I was in shock for some time looking at the incident but then gathered the courage to jump in,” Mathew added.
In the meantime, the Superintendent of police Sunil Mehta mentioned that the incident occurred due to the driver’s distraction while driving the car. “The car was negligently parked very close to the pool of the waterfall. We have learnt that the car started rolling after its trunk was forcefully closed and then fell into the pool of the waterfall,” the SP said. However, the area is a famous spot in the monsoon and has a number of visitors due to the season, said an eyewitness.