People who live in Poland permanently, but do not have Polish citizenship, often consider whether it is worth applying for it. This decision is not easy, because although both citizenship and the right of permanent residence provide many benefits, they are also associated with various obligations and restrictions.
The differences between the two statuses are crucial for daily life, access to social rights, political opportunities and freedom of travel. Choosing the right status depends on individual needs, future plans and the level of integration into Poland and its society. So if you are interested in what are the key differences between Polish citizenship and permanent residence, then this article is for you. We will try to help you make a decision that is best for your current life situation and meets your expectations. If you need even more information on Polish citizenship, we encourage you to visit the following website
Legal status and how to obtain it Polish citizenship means full belonging to the Republic of Poland. Accordingly, citizenship can be obtained in several ways, such as:
- Law of blood (ius sanguinis) – a child of parents who are Polish citizens automatically becomes a Polish citizen.
- Naturalisation – a process for foreigners meeting certain conditions, such as appropriate length of residence, knowledge of the Polish language and integration into Polish society.
- Restoration – for individuals who have lost their citizenship in the past, e.g. as a result of emigration.
The right of permanent residence in Poland means that a foreigner can live, work and enjoy many rights, but without being a citizen. This status can be obtained on the basis of:
- Long-term legal residence in Poland.
- Family ties (e.g. marriage to a Polish citizen).
- Recognition as a person of Polish origin.
Permanent residence, is granted by the provincial governor and is based on the fulfilment of certain formal requirements.
Political rights Another important aspect is political rights. Persons with Polish citizenship have full political rights, including:
- The right to vote in local, parliamentary, presidential elections and national referendums.
- The ability to run for public office, including the office of president.
- The full right to participate in the political life of the country, e.g. through membership of political parties.
Persons with permanent residence status have significantly limited political rights. They can vote in local elections (e.g. for mayor or councillors), but do not have the right to vote in national elections or to stand for public office.
Freedom to travel
The Polish passport allows free travel to many countries, including the countries of the European Union and the Schengen Area, without the need for a visa. Polish citizens may also enjoy visa-free entry to many other countries around the world, such as the United States (under the ESTA programme), Japan and Canada.
Permanent residence status somewhat limits freedom of travel. Indeed, those with this status must use the passport of their country of origin, which means that visas may be required for travel to other countries, even within the European Union.
Access to rights and social benefits
Polish citizens have full access to the social benefits system after meeting the requirements. These include, for example:
- Family allowances or the 800+ benefit.
- Full entitlement to healthcare funded by the National Health Fund (NHF).
- Public pensions and annuities.
Those with permanent residence status also have access to many social benefits, but in some cases additional formalities or restrictions may be required. In practice, persons with permanent residence status can benefit from health care and the pension system if they are employed in Poland and pay contributions.
Legal stability
Polish citizenship is permanent and cannot be terminated without the citizen’s consent, unless the citizen himself renounces his citizenship. The possession of citizenship also guarantees full legal protection by the Polish authorities, both at home and abroad.
The right of permanent residence is stable, but can be revoked in certain cases, e.g. in the case of long-term departure from Poland or violation of immigration regulations. It therefore does not provide as strong a guarantee of protection as citizenship does.
Ability to pass on status
Polish citizenship is hereditary. This means that the children of people with Polish citizenship automatically acquire it, and therefore gain wide educational, professional and social opportunities in Poland and throughout the European Union.
It is different in the case of permanent residence, which unfortunately is not hereditary. A child of parents with only the right of permanent residence, despite being born in Poland, does not automatically acquire either this status or Polish citizenship.
The symbolic value of citizenship
We cannot forget the symbolic values. After all, Polish citizenship means full membership of the national community. It also provides an opportunity to identify with Polish culture, history and traditions and to actively participate in social life.
Permanent residence, although practical, does not entail this level of identification and belonging. For many people naturalisation and acquiring citizenship is not only a formal step, but also an expression of integration with Poland and its society.